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Launch will be closed Wed., Dec. 25th for Christmas.   Learn More

Community Involvement

Involved In The Communities We Serve

Launch is a Proud Supporter of Education

We love being a part of the communities we serve. We are a local business that cares about giving back.

new license for learning tagLaunch CU is a proud supporter of our local schools. If you would like to support the schools, consider purchasing or renewing the Support Education specialty tag, with $20 going directly back to support education programs in the county where the tag was purchased or renewed. Funds support programs like classroom innovation, education enrichment programs, supporting and recognizing teachers, extra help and mentoring for at-risk students, school supplies and school scholarships.

Support Education Programs
Launch's School Partners

Launch CU High School Branches

Launch CU believes it is never too early to learn about the importance of your finances. Currently, Launch CU has two High School Branches in Volusia County where students are able to access their funds at the ATM’s located on campus and visit the on-campus branch with any questions they might have regarding their financial well-being.

We celebrated Launch CU’s 10-Year Anniversary at University High School in Orange City. Every school year we have a Grand Re-Opening of the School Branch.

Launch Donations in 2023
Launch's Chamber Events

Launch is a Proud Supporter of Community Events

Launch CU is proud to be a part of several community events within our servicing areas. In the last year, we sponsored events from the Turtle Krawl, Buddy Walk, Making Strides, Space Coast Marathon, National Night Out, Boo at the Zoo, Heart Walk, and the Space Coast Basket Brigade . We donated school supplies, pet supplies, computers, and canned food to name a few. We offer FREE Shred Days at several branch locations in addition to Seminars that were open to both members and non-members. To stay informed on Launch CU events, visit our Calendar Page and be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page.

Launch's Walk Events
Group photos of the Launch team at different community events and fundraisers
Visit any branch location to open your account. For questions call 321-455-9400 (inside Brevard) or 800-662-5257 (outside Brevard).
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