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How to Stay Safe Trick-Or-Treating This Year

Halloween is just TWO DAYS away, which means trick-or-treating for many families and communities. To show some perspective, the U.S. Census Bureau says there were an estimated 41.1 million trick-or-treaters in 2018. While Halloween is fun to celebrate, it’s also important to focus on trick-or-treating safety tips. Whether you’re partaking in your neighborhood’s trick-or-treat night, a trunk-or-treat, or handing out candy, we’ve gathered a few trick-or-treating safety tips to keep in mind for the big night.

1. Always Stay With Your Group

Trick-or-treating is no fun by yourself. It’s also a lot safer to go with a group, whether it’s your parents or friends.

American Parents Plan to take children trick-or-treating


2. Decorate Costumes With Reflective Tape

We promise this won’t mess up your cool costume! This is a quick and easy way to distinguish yourself, especially if you’re wearing a dark colored costume.

3. Always Walk On Designated Sidewalks/Paths

Most trick-or-treaters experience some neighborhood walking in the dark so stick to a path. If there aren’t any sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.

Children will be hit by cars on Halloween

4. Turn Your Headlights On Earlier

This is another precaution to take when driving through neighborhoods on Halloween. You’ll be able to see  kids from further away.

5. Carry Glow Sticks or Flashlights

Glow sticks are always fun! You can purchase a bunch of these for a low price at local stores. Try coordinating a specific color for your group for easier visibility in busy neighborhoods.

Children Don't Carry Flashlights Trick-or-Treating

6. Check Your Route Beforehand

If you know the spot you’ll be trick-or-treating in, take the time a few days before to walk your kids around the neighborhood so you’re familiar with the area.

7. Always Inspect Your Candy

Look through all of the goodies and make sure there aren’t any alarming physical appearances such as unwrapped candy, discolored candy, or expired candy.

Most Parents Check Their Child's Trick-or-Treating Candy

Check out a full list of tips HERE.


Halloween Safety Tips .(n.d.). Retrieved From Safe Kids Worldwide:

Halloween: Oct. 31, 2019 (2019, 09 25) Retrieved From United States Census Bureau:

Halloween Safety On and Off the Road .(n.d.). Retrieved From the National Safety Council:

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